PC World Komputer 2007 December
Fiszkowe programy do nauki
jMemorize 1.2.3
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Text File
331 lines
# This is a translation file for jMemorize (http://www.riad.de/jmemorize)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Riad Djemili <jmemorize@riad.de>
# Language: English (en)
# jMemorize-Version: 1.2.3
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Notes:
# DESC is the text that will show up as tooltip.
# TITLE is the title of the new window / dialog.
# general
General.CATEGORY = Category
General.CREATED = Created
General.MODIFIED = Modified
General.EXPIRES = Expires
General.LAST_TEST = Last Test
General.DECK = Deck
General.DECKS = Decks
General.FRONTSIDE = Frontside
General.FLIPSIDE = Flipside
General.OKAY = Okay
General.APPLY = Apply
General.CANCEL = Cancel
General.GENERAL = General
General.PASSED = Passed
General.UNLEARNED = Unlearned
General.EXPIRED = Expired
General.EMPTY_SIDES_ALERT = You need to specify both card sides.
General.EMPTY_SIDES_ALERT_TITLE = Bad card sides
# main frame
MainFrame.ABOUT = About
MainFrame.ABOUT_DESC = About this application
MainFrame.ADD_CARD = Add card
MainFrame.ADD_CARD_DESC = Add new card
MainFrame.ADD_CATEGORY = Add category
MainFrame.ADD_CATEGORY_DESC = Add new category
MainFrame.ADD_CATEGORY_INPUT = Enter the name of the new category that you want to create.
MainFrame.CATEGORY_TREE = Category tree
MainFrame.CATEGORY_TREE_DESC = Show/Hide category tree
MainFrame.COPY = Copy
MainFrame.CUT = Cut
MainFrame.PASTE = Paste
MainFrame.DELETE = Delete
MainFrame.DELETE_CARDS_WARN = You are about to delete {0} card(s). Do you want to continue?
MainFrame.DELETE_CARDS_WARN_TITLE = Card Deletion
MainFrame.DELETE_CATEGORY_WARN = Deleting category {0} will delete {1} cards. Do you want to continue?
MainFrame.EDIT_CARD = Edit card
MainFrame.EDIT_CARD_DESC = Edit and view card details
MainFrame.ERROR_TITLE = Error
MainFrame.ERROR_LOAD = An error occured while loading file {0}.
MainFrame.ERROR_SAVE = An error occured while saving file {0}. Lesson has not been saved.
MainFrame.EXIT = Exit
MainFrame.EXIT_DESC = Exit application
MainFrame.FILE_FILTER_DESC = jMemorize Lessons
MainFrame.PDF_FILE_FILTER_DESC = PDF - Portable Document Format (.pdf)
MainFrame.FIND = Find
MainFrame.FIND_DESC = Find cards
MainFrame.LEARN = Learn
MainFrame.LEARN_DESC = Start learning session with all unlearned and expired cards
MainFrame.MENU_FILE = File
MainFrame.MENU_EDIT = Edit
MainFrame.MENU_HELP = Help
MainFrame.MENU_LESSON = Lesson
MainFrame.NEW = New
MainFrame.NEW_DESC = Create empty lesson
MainFrame.UNNAMED_LESSON = New lesson
MainFrame.OPEN = Open
MainFrame.OPEN_DESC = Open lesson file
MainFrame.REMOVE_CATEGORY_TITLE = Category Deletion
MainFrame.REMOVE_DESC = Remove currently selected item(s)
MainFrame.RESET = Reset card
MainFrame.RESET_DESC = Reset card statistics
MainFrame.RESET_WARN = You are about to reset {0} card(s). Do you want to continue?
MainFrame.SAVE = Save
MainFrame.SAVE_DESC = Save lesson
MainFrame.SAVE_AS = Save as..
MainFrame.SAVE_AS_DESC = Save lesson as..
MainFrame.SAVE_MODIFIED = Lesson has been modified. Do you want to save before exiting?
MainFrame.IMPORT = Import
MainFrame.EXPORT = Export
MainFrame.EXPORT_PDF = Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
MainFrame.EXPORT_RTF = Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
MainFrame.EXPORT_PDF_DESC = Export to *.pdf
MainFrame.EXPORT_RTF_DESC = Export to *.rtf
MainFrame.EXPORT_CLEAN = Lesson without personal learn data
MainFrame.PREFERENCES = Preferences
MainFrame.PREFERENCES_DESC = Set your preferences
MainFrame.CONFIRM_OVERWRITE_TITLE = Overwrite file?
MainFrame.CONFIRM_OVERWRITE = File already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
MainFrame.SELECT_CHARACTER_SET = Please select the character set of the file.
MainFrame.CHARACTER_SET = Character set
# files
File.CSV = Comma Separated Values (*.csv)
File.TSV = Tabular Separated Values (*.tsv)
# web sites
URL.MANUAL = User manual
URL.FEATURE_TRACKER = Feature tracker
URL.BUG_TRACKER = Bug tracker
# preferences
Preferences.USE_GZIP = Compress lessons in GZIP format.
Preferences.LANGUAGE = Language
Preferences.RESTART = Your new language selection will appear the next time you start the application.
Preferences.FONT_SETTINGS = Font settings
Preferences.FONT = Font
Preferences.SIZE = Size
Preferences.PREVIEW = Preview
# card table
CardTable.COLUMNS = Columns
CardTable.NO_DATE_DESC = This card has never been tested.
CardTable.NOT_LEARNED = not learned
CardTable.PATH = Path
CardTable.SELECTED_CARDS = Selected cards
# deck chart
DeckChart.CARDS = Cards
DeckChart.START_DECK = Start Deck
DeckChart.SUMMARY = Summary
DeckChart.EXPIRED_CARDS = Expired Cards
DeckChart.LEARNED_CARDS = Learned Cards
DeckChart.UNLEARNED_CARDS = Unlearned Cards
Summary.LEARNED = Learned
Summary.FAILED = Failed
Summary.RELEARNED = Relearned
Summary.SKIPPED = Skipped
# deck table
DeckTable.NEXT_DECK = Next deck
DeckTable.NEXT_DECK_DESC = Display next deck.
DeckTable.PREV_DECK = Previous deck
DeckTable.PREV_DECK_DESC = Display previous deck.
# card editting
EditCard.DETAILS_RATIO = Success ratio
EditCard.DETAILS_HISTORY = Learn History
EditCard.MODIFIED_WARN = Card entries have been modified. Do you want to apply them before continuing?
EditCard.MODIFIED_WARN_TITLE = Card has been modified.
EditCard.NEXT_CARD = Next card
EditCard.NEXT_CARD_DESC = Display next card
EditCard.PREV_CARD = Previous card
EditCard.PREV_CARD_DESC = Display previous card
EditCard.REMOVE_CARD = Remove card
EditCard.REMOVE_CARD_DESC = Remove current card
EditCard.REMOVE_CARD_WARN = Are you sure you want to delete this card?
EditCard.REMOVE_CARD_WARN_TITLE = Card Deletion
EditCard.RESET_CARD = Reset card
EditCard.RESET_CARD_DESC = Resets current card
EditCard.RESET_CARD_WARN = Resetting this card will move it back to the first deck.\nAre you sure?
EditCard.TAB_SIDES = Sides
EditCard.TAB_PROPERTIES = Properties
# find tool
FindTool.FIND = Search
FindTool.BOTH_SIDES = Both sides
FindTool.MATCH_CASE = Match case
FindTool.RESULTS = Results
FindTool.SEARCH_TEXT = Search text
FindTool.SETTINGS = Settings
# learn
Learn.REMEMBER_THE_ANSWER = Try to remember the answer
Learn.DID_YOU_KNOW_ANSWER = Did you know the correct answer?
Learn.YES = Yes
Learn.NO = No
Learn.CARD_COUNTER = Card counter
Learn.FLIPPED_CARD_SIDES = Flipped card sides
Learn.SHOW_ANSWER = Show answer
Learn.SHOW_CATEGORY = Show category
Learn.SKIP_CARD = Skip card
Learn.STOP = Stop learning
Learn.TIMER = Timer
Learn.SESSION_RESULTS = Session Results
Learn.CARD_PROGRESS = Card Progress
Learn.SESSION_PROGRESS = Session Progress
# learn settings
LearnSettings.ADVANCED = Advanced
LearnSettings.SCHEDULING = Scheduling
LearnSettings.CARDS_TO_LEARN = Cards to learn
LearnSettings.LEARN_UNLEARNED_EXPIRED = Learn all unlearned and expired cards.
LearnSettings.LEARN_UNLEARNED = Learn only unlearned cards.
LearnSettings.LEARN_EXPIRED = Learn only expired cards.
LearnSettings.CARDS_ORDER = Cards order
LearnSettings.SHUFFLE_CARDS = Shuffle cards of all decks and categories.
LearnSettings.GROUP_CARDS = Group cards by categories while learning.
LearnSettings.NATURAL_CATEGORY_ORDER = Show categories in fixed natural order.
LearnSettings.RANDOM_CATEGORY_ORDER = Show categories in random order.
LearnSettings.DELIMITERS = Delimiters
LearnSettings.CARD_LIMIT = Card limit
LearnSettings.CARD_LIMIT_TEXT = Restrict number of cards to test this session to card limit.
LearnSettings.TIME_LIMIT = Minute limit
LearnSettings.TIME_LIMIT_TEXT = End session when a certain time limit has been reached.
LearnSettings.DONT_RETEST_FAILED = Dont retest cards that have been failed in this session.
LearnSettings.SCHEDULE_PRESETS = Schedule Presets
LearnSettings.DELAY_AFTER_LEVEL = Delay after level
LearnSettings.DAYS = Days
LearnSettings.HOURS = Hours
LearnSettings.MINUTES = Minutes
LearnSettings.SIDE_MODE = Side mode
LearnSettings.NORMAL_MODE = Learn in normal mode.
LearnSettings.FLIP_MODE = Learn with flipped card sides.
LearnSettings.RANDOM_MODE = Learn in random mode with card sides being randomly flipped.
LearnSettings.BOTH_MODE = Learn each card side as often as specified.
LearnSettings.START = Start Session\!
LearnSettings.TITLE = Learn settings
# new card
NewCard.ADD = Add
NewCard.ADD_AND_NEXT = Add and create next
NewCard.EDIT_RECENTLY = Edit recently
NewCard.EDIT_RECENTLY_DESC = Edit recently created card
NewCard.NEW_WINDOW = New window
NewCard.NEW_WINDOW_DESC = Open another new add card window
NewCard.TITLE = Create Card
NewCard.CLOSE_WARN = Warning
NewCardManager.DISMISSED_WARN = Card data is about to get dismissed.\nDo you want to create the card before the window is closed?
# status bar
StatusBar.CARDS = Cards
StatusBar.EXPIRED = Expired
StatusBar.LEARNED = Learned
StatusBar.UNLEARNED = Unlearned
StatusBar.PARTIAL = Partially learned
StatusBar.LEARNING_CATEGORY = Learning category
StatusBar.CARDS_LEFT = Cards left
# strategy
Strategy.LINEAR_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE = Linear (Default)
Strategy.CONSTANT_SCHEDULE = Constant
Strategy.EXPONENTIAL_SCHEDULE = Exponential
Strategy.QUADRATIC_SCHEDULE = Quadratic
Strategy.CRAM_SCHEDULE = Cram
Strategy.CUSTOM_SCHEDULE = Custom
# time related
Time.DAYS = days
Time.ONE_DAY = one day
Time.HOURS = hours
Time.ONE_HOUR = one hour
Time.MINUTES = minutes
Time.ONE_MINUTE = one minute
Time.SECONDS = seconds
Time.PASSED = passed
Time.IN = in {0}
Time.AGO = {0} ago
# learn history
History.TITLE = History
History.ACTION = Show history
History.RECENT = Recent sessions
History.BY_DATE = Sessions by date
History.BY_WEEK = Sessions by week
History.BY_MONTH = Sessions by month
History.BY_YEAR = Sessions by year
History.SESSION_DURATION = Session Length